Haerenga – Kindy  (3-6 Years)

Daily Program – 8.30-2.30

When your child has transitioned from Matāuranga their needs and strengths will be communicated between teachers. Time will be taken to again develop that special relationship with the new teachers of Haerenga room.

If you are new to our Centre time will be taken to understand your family’s needs, aspirations and routines as we all work together in giving your child the freedom to grow.

In this programme your child will continue to have experienced and dedicated teachers paying special attention to their developing interests with experiences provided each day that are carefully selected to foster their interests and support their holistic development.

Planning and Portfolios

Your child’s learning will be visible with planning displayed and assessment in their portfolios. Your thoughts and ideas will be sought by the teachers to add to the experiences developed within the Centre and to extend on activities from your home and community.

In consultation with many of the local schools a specialised philosophy has been developed to assist you and your child make a smooth transition from childcare to school. As your child’s interests develop, time will be taken to extend their literacy and numeracy knowledge.

Alongside these visits from children who have gone to school will be encouraged to help make school seem a more familiar place. Visits to schools will also be arranged for different events.

Self-help Skills

We will endeavour to ensure your child is confident with self-help skills such as opening their lunch, looking after their belongings and being able to communicate their needs.

Daily opportunities will include group gathering to share news, stories and songs. Numeracy and literacy will also be a focus here. Areas will be available throughout the day for active and quiet times.